Alexander Jansson Roadtrip

Lunes, Agosto 1, 2016

There's this guy i knew; he was organized, intelligent, and sweet...

There's this girl I knew; she was sugar, spice, and everything nice...

There's this guy I know. He's organized, intelligent, and strict...

There's this girl I know. She's sugar, spice, but not so nice...

Sabado, Setyembre 5, 2015

Quote #1

Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness of other people.
- Carl Jung  

       Being an introvert, I've never had many friends as others who captured fun in their lives do. I am not someone who's expected to be at a party or to bring life to a boring meeting. Because I am the ice in the word "ice-breaker". And though this word became me, there's still this feeling of hate towards this particular word. So, am I saying that I hate myself if previously I'm the word itself?
       For him, I was the ice, for him I was the one who brought further coldness in his already wintry self. I can blame only myself for acting on a mindless plan, and for letting such cruelty change him. However sorry I am, this post is not about him nor about me. Instead, it's about a friend who very well knows herself; habits, fancies, dislikes, and ideals. She met with herself, befriended her, and defragmented the pieces that made her up.
       This girl in the spotlight is someone who is an opposite definition of me. She does not want a silent situation so she'd just talk in a loud manner and start a joke to kill the crickets. But more than a loud voice, she is an observer who knows how to deal with people who own particular darkness inside of them. She knows how to understand because she knows how to listen and she knows her own darkness. The darkness she keeps only to herself to prevent her friends and family to be concerned about her. Because she'd rather kid around and laugh than to be hugged or be consoled then cry afterwards. Crying is not an option when fighting with your darkness.

Furniture Music

I read on the chair
I write on the desk
I sleep on the floor
I dream beside the closet

I drink water in spring
(The cup is in the kitchen cupboard)
I drink water in summer
(The cup is in the kitchen cupboard)
I drink water in fall
(The cup is in the kitchen cupboard)
I drink water in winter
(The cup is in the kitchen cupboard)

I open the window and read
I turn on the light and write
I draw the curtains and sleep
I wake inside the room

Inside the room are the chairs
and the dreams of the chairs
Inside the room are the desk
and the dreams of the desk
Inside the room are the floor
and the dreams of the floor
Inside the room are the closet
and the dreams of the closet

In the songs that I hear
In the words that I say
In the water that I drink
In the silence that I leave

                     -Chen Li

Biyernes, Setyembre 4, 2015

Why, hello again

WOW. I've nearly forgotten about this part of my life. And reading my past posts, I can say that I've matured...a little

Martes, Oktubre 8, 2013

Super Show 5 MNL

Super Show 5

Show Starts at 7pm
Date: October 24, 2013
Venue: Mall of Asia Arena
I'm really excited for this! This concert is my,and many ELFs', anticipated concert of the year. It has been two years since their last concert here. Manila didn't make it on the list for SS4 last year. So I'm hoping that this concert will be a blast,a big explosion(not literally)!
Sapphire Blue sea, here we come! Philippine will make sure that the boys will never forget the PhELFs' sea.

Sumibunny’s Circle Lens Giveaway! – KPOP2 and Dollykat Crafts
Sumibunny is holding a contest for us,circle lenses lovers! I already joined if you want them too just follow the steps and you'll have a chance to win.
Good Luck! ^^

Miyerkules, Mayo 15, 2013

Ulzzang Contest special : UNIQSO Giveaway

UNIQSO Circle Lenses Giveaway

               Sumibunny already reached 700 likes. As a celebration, a contest is being held, the "Ulzzang Contest special : UNIQSO Giveaway"! Join in and you might just win a pair of circle lenses of your choice. Just follow the steps on this link: UNIQSO Giveaway to win!